the Conch piercing Also called "conque piercing" is on the part of the ear facing the external auditory duct. This part of theear Carries this name because it looks like the shell of the same “conch” name.
[Products] Ring-Alrakis-Titane, jewelry-Trinity-Or-14k[/products]
If you choose this piercing you will have the choice between a Internal conch piercing Where external conch. The internal conch represents the curved part of the conch against the external auditory duct, as for the external conch, represents the cleaner flat part between thehelix and anti-Helix.
A Conch piercing Internal will be slightly harder to do than an external conch piercing but that will not normally be a problem for a professional perceur.
It is a relatively standard cartilage piercing, if you've already experienced it you should probably know good practices for its post drilling maintenance.
- Prepare well for your conch piercing
- Conch piercing pain
- Healing of Conch piercing
- Maintenance rules for his new piercing
- Types of jewelry for conch piercing
- What jewelry material for conch piercing
- What size for your conch piercing jewelry
- Price of a conch piercing
- Variants of Conch piercing
- How to change your conch piercing
How to prepare for your conch piercing:
We will not stop repeating it, but A piercing is not a trivial gesture, this will leave a scar which will be more or less visible depending on the place, it will therefore be necessary to think about it beforehand.
the Conch piercing can be placed in different places, you will have to have a good idea of the location you want to do so, so that you can inform your pierceur of the precise place where you will have to make the piercing.
It will be necessary Avoid getting pierced with a pistol (also called "percetable"), although it is tempting to opt for an inexpensive solution it will be necessary to be careful to choose a pierceur in which you trust you and who respects the rules of hygiene. You will pay someone for you to “pour your skin”, so don't look at the price and opt for a quality service. Carrying out a cartilage piercing using a pistol may also burst the cartilage at the time of the drilling.
Be careful to choose a jewel of good quality and implantable material, to facilitate healing and avoid infections, at Obsidian piercing we recommend the ASTM-F136 grade titanium and gold in 14K or 18K. If you want to know more about the different materials we have a complete guide on materials to help you choose.
Ask questions ! It is more pleasant for a perceur to answer your questions rather than finding you skeptical on D -Day. In addition, finding the answer to your questions will allow you to be more comfortable on the day of your drilling.
A piercing without a healthcare routine may cause infections or other problems to your skin, therefore be aware that by making your new piercing you will then have to correctly follow the different maintenance rules and a strict care routine for good healing. If you do not feel able to be rigorous in the maintenance of your piercing then a cartilage piercing may not be for you.
For any minor you will need the parents' agreement in writing and be accompanied by one of them.
Pain of a conch piercing:
Conch piercing hurts more than another cartilage piercing. In general, cartilage piercing remains sustainable with a note around 5 or 6 on a scale of 1 to 10 to assess the pain. It will hurt lobe piercing, but it's nothing insurmountable. It is still important to note that Everyone reacts to pain differently, it may therefore be that it is less painful for some, or on the contrary much more for others.
A professional pierceur must imperatively use a fine sterile -use needle to pierce your conch, the pain will only be very brief.

Healing of conch piercing:
The healing time of a piercing always varies according to people and Depending on compliance with your care routine After being pierced.
Conch piercing can take 3 months to 1 year to heal completely, you will therefore have to consult your pierceur to know when you can change accessories and when stopping your care routine.
In some fairly rare cases it is possible to develop chélooids, which can be hereditary, it is therefore interesting to know if people from your family have already dealt with the cheloids before making your piercing. Be careful not to confuse chéloid and hypertrophic scar (outgrowth), we are talking about chéloid only from 18 months after the act of piercing.

Rules to follow after a piercing in conch
Cartilage has a lower blood flow than other parts of the body, it will therefore heal in a different way compared to a piercing in the mouth or lobe for example. Here are some important rules to follow during the healing of a new cartilage piercing, therefore of a Conch piercing too.
Beware of what you put in your ears. You will probably expose your piercing to many bacteria, if only with your hair, headphones or a hat, which could cause infections. Keep your piercing far from any foreign body the first days after being pierced. If your hair is annoying, keep the attachés. Avoid headphones and promote helmets that don't put pressure on your ear or new Conch piercing. Avoid all types of hats or caps. Leave your piercing heal without disturbance.
Avoid touching your piercing jewelry. Touching or playing with your piercing can damage your skin around, which can disturb healing or create growths. It will therefore be necessary to avoid turning or moving it. You will also have to be careful not to sleep on your ear you just made your new Conch piercing. It is therefore often more judicious if you want to unravel your two ears to do one at a time to avoid complications when you go to sleep, especially if you sleep on the side.
It is very important to keep your piercing clean and dry. Cartilage piercing in particular, is likely to heal or make an outgrowth. So do not neglect your care routine. Keep your ears clean, make sure there are no dead skins or ceromen around the area of your piercing. Sleep in a clean bed and frequently clean your pillowcase to avoid exposing your ear piercing to bacteria. You want to sublimate your ears with your new Conch piercing and not develop growths, so regularly monitor your piercing to keep it clean and dry.
What types of jewelry for a conch piercing:
As previously mentioned, Conch piercing has two variants, internal conch and external conch. You will therefore have to choose the location of your new Conch piercing according to the jewelry style you want to wear.
One of the essentials remains theRing Au Conch, it is generally located in the external part of the conch and comes up around the edge of the ear. Some rings like our ring “Alrakis"Can look like several with a single conch piercing.
For an internal conch piercing it will be necessary to opt for a straight bar piercing (labret) with screwable accessory. The advantage with the labret is that you will not need to wait to “change” it after your new conch piercing, indeed it will be enough to change the screwable accessory, as for the length of the bar, It will be suitable when your piercing has sufficiently deflated. It will be necessary to count 2 to 3 months otherwise before you can put a ring to your piercing.
What material for a conch piercing:
- Titane: If you are looking for a quality piercing jewel at a lower cost, titanium is what you need. The titanium in its ASTM-F136 grade is implantable is therefore used as a installation jewel, for healing without complications. This material has the advantage of being lighter than steel but also more durable. The other strong point is that it does not contain nickel, to avoid allergies unlike its colleague, so -called "surgical" steel.
- Gold: A noble and elegant metal, if you like what shines and want to keep your jewelry forever, gold will accompany you for a very long time (if not your life) provided you take care of it. For your piercing, whether in conch or elsewhere, you will have to orient yourself towards a minimum 14 -carat gold jewelry and 18 carat 18 carats. The 9 carat gold contains nickel and is not considered implantable, 24 carat gold, when it comes, is too flexible to make it a jewel of piercing.
- Steel: Today very popular, so -called "surgical" steel is an inexpensive but less qualitative alternative. Indeed, this steel contains a high rate of nickel, 10% of which are allergic. In addition, this metal is heavier and less resistant than its colleagues previously mentioned. This is only considered implantable in its grade ASTM-F138 or ISO 5832-1.
What size for your conch piercing jewelry
In order to be able to order for yourself it will be necessary to know the size to be ordered, you will therefore find in the table below the standard sizes used by piercing professionals:
Jewel |
Thickness |
Length/diameter |
Closed off |
1.2/1.6mm |
6/7/8mm |
Ring/Horse Ring |
1.2/1.6mm |
10/12mm |
These sizes are valid for a completely healed piercing only. He may tend to swell, that is why your pierceur set you a longer bar at the start in order to plan the swelling, he will put you a shorter bar when it has had time to deflate, at that time you can take advantage of it to ask him for the size corresponding to your morphology.
If you order on our site, do not worry if you have taken the wrong size, we accept returns and exchanges if the jewel has not been worn.
Price of a conch piercing:
The price of a conch piercing will inevitably depend on the region in which you live and the renown and experience of the perfeur, however the price of it is generally found Between 40 and 60 € for a conch piercing.
Variation of Conch piercing:
It is possible to make a Double see triple piercing conch. Added to other cartilage piercings this can add character to your ear composition. Be careful however because it represents more attention regarding the care routine to be observed after you are pierced. It can therefore be wise to make them one by one and not all suddenly.
How to change your conch piercing:
It is important to do Warning to your new piercing until it is completely healed, it will therefore be preferable for the first or the first times to go see your pierceur in order to have your advice and its green light to find out if your piercing is heal, it will also help you change your bar by a more suitable size when the piercing will have deflated, or by a ring. At that time the pierceur can also advise you on how to change it yourself.
For jewelry on Labret (right bar), it will simply be enough to change the vested accessory which is at the end, so it is not always necessary to remove it completely unlike a ring.
We offer a wide choice of starry jewelry on our online store, for women and men! You can benefit from free delivery from 80 euros of purchase.
Do not hesitate to tell us about your questions about piercings (tragus, daith, septum, rook, nose, lip ...)! If this is your first experience, we are always good advice.